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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Revisiting an old shot

After being teased with the possibility of a spectacular sunset the past few days only to have the clouds fade away as sunset approached, I decided to reprocess one of the shots that I took back in September the night before Hurricane (well, Tropical Storm) Hermine hit San Antonio. If you would like to see the original shots, you can view the post here.

I have come a long way since September, as all it will likely take is one look at the original shots and you will probably agree. I did notice processing this shot two distinct things, just how much of a difference a higher quality camera and lenses make, and what a difference small changes like getting the lighting and coloring right makes in a shot.

Tomorrow is going to be my 2nd Old Fashioned Friday post. I already have a pretty good idea of what the photo is going to be for that, so stay tuned! Please feel free to leave any comments/feedback, and remember clicking on the photo takes you to my online gallery hosted over at smugmug where you can view this (and my other photos) in various sizes. Thanks for stopping by!

Revisiting an old shot

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